Courses and conferences

True knowledge is only that which is shared. What you convey, but also the way in which you choose to do it, entails passion and dedication. I am always happy to deliver courses, conferences and lectures in my areas of competence, for students, for people who are passionate about these areas or for the general public.

Courses and workshops I give at present:

  • Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, Cultural Studies Department:
    “The History of the European Imaginary”, “The European Culture”, “Perspectives on the Family in the European Culture” (BA European Studies);
    “Conceptual and Literary Cornerstones of European Spirituality” (MA).

Courses I held:

  • Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest: “Romanian Cultural Diplomacy”, seminar for “Ideas and Mentalities in Modern Europe”.
  • The Romanian Diplomatic Institute: “The Protocol of State Visits and the Diplomatic Protocol”, “Using State Insignia and the System of Decorations”.
  • National Defense College: “The Memory of the Romanian Elites”.
  • Calea Victoriei Foundation: “Genealogy Workshop: How to Discover the Story of Your Family”, “Portraits of Boyars”, “History of the Romanian Monarchy: from Charles I to King Michael”.
  • The „Povestaşii” Association::
    „Find the hero in your family”
    F.L. Iorga at the I.L. Caragiale National College, Ploiești, November 2016 F.L. Iorga at the Eugen Barbu School, Bucharest, February 2017 F.L. Iorga at the Little Genius School, Bucharest, February 2017 F.L. Iorga at the Pia Brătianu School, Bucharest, January 2017 Filip-Lucian Iorga at the Nicolae Iorga Highschool, Bucharest, March 2017
    „The history of the Romanian cuisine”
    F.L. Iorga with Ana Iorga and Anca Lungu, December 1 2016, Sibiu March 11 2017, Iași With Sophia, March 11 2017, Iași
    „History comes alive”

I held lectures and conferences at:

  • Paris-Sorbonne University (Paris IV), France: „Les boyards roumains et leur imaginaire généalogique” (within the course La culture des élites dans la France contemporaine: mémoire, patrimoine, vie sociale et réseaux, vie privée of Eric Mension-Rigau, November, 2009).
  • XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences (Poznan, Poland, August 21-27, 2022): the lecture „An unpublished testimony regarding the refugees in Moldova, on the Romanian front of the Great War: the memoirs of Ioana Perticari”, August 23, 2022.
  • XXXIV International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences (Madrid, Spain, October 20-23, 2021): the lecture „The Romanian ‘moșneni’ and ‘răzeși’: free peasants or aristocrats?” (recorded video conference), October 23, 2021.
    The lecture in English
  • Memory Studies Association Fifth Annual Conference – “Convergences” (Warsaw, Poland, online, July 5-9, 2021): the lecture „Romanian Aristocracy Facing the Loss of Family Memory during the Communist Regime”, in the section „K7: Intergenerational Transmissions of Past Trauma”, July 9, 2021.
  • Jawaharlal Nehru University, School of Social Sciences, Centre for Media Studies (New Delhi, India, December 4, 2020): the online lecture, in English, “The Romanian Aristocracy: History, Mythology and its Role in the Modernization of the Country during the 19th Century”.
  • The 43rd Congress of The American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences, UCLA – University of California at Los Angeles, United States of America (November 15-17, 2019): the lecture „Nicolae-Şerban Tanaşoca. What in fact does not disappear” (video recording screened at the webinar „Romanian Personalities”, Kaplan Hall, November 16, 2019).
  • XXIXe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romane (Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1-6, 2019): the lecture in French, “Le parler des descendants de l’aristocratie roumaine. Une analyse socio-linguistique” (together with Ana Iorga), July 2, 2019.
  • Livre Paris Book Fair (March 18, 2019, Paris, France): I moderated in French the debate around the books Dimitrie Cantemir: un principe român în zorile Luminilor europene [Dimitrie Cantemir: a Romanian prince at the beginning of the European Enlightenment] (Romanian Cultural Institute Publishing House, 2019) by Ştefan Lemny and Conversaţii cu Regele Mihai [Conversations with King Michael] (Corint Books, 2018) by Stelian Tănase, at Romania’s stand, organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute (alongside Ştefan Lemny, Stelian Tănase, Adrian Cioroianu and Florent Parmentier).
  • The Conferences “Apoziţia” (Munich, Germany, October 2018): the lecture „Urmaşii boierimii române în Marele Război” [“The descendants of Romanian boyars during World War I”].
  • The Romanian Cultural Institute „Dimitrie Cantemir” (Istanbul, Turkey, May 2018): the lecture “The role of the Romanian aristocracy in the country’s modernization”.
  • International Conference “Balkan Worlds II”, Thessaloniki, Greece (November, 2014): „The Impact of First World War on the Descendants of Romanian Nobility. Family Identity and Social Change”.
  • International Conference “Political Exile from Central and Eastern Europe. Motives, Strategies, Activities and Perceptions of East and West, 1945-1989”, Bratislava, Slovak Republic (November, 2013): „The Descendants of the Romanian Nobility facing Repression and Exile during the Communist Regime”.
  • The National Congress of the Romanian Historians, third edition (Alba Iulia, September 8-10, 2022): the lecture „Reformă agrară și transformare socială: de la aristocrație la burghezie. Cazul unui neam de moșneni și de boieri din Țara Românească” [“Agrarian reform and social transformation: from aristocracy to bourgeoisie. The case of a moşneni and boyar family from Wallachia”], September 9, 2022.
  • The International Conference “Liberal Democracy, Memory Politics and National Trajectories. Romanian – Icelandic Perspectives”, Panel 2 – “History and Memory, Societal Transitions and European Political Identities”, organized by the Rațiu Democracy Centre, the Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, the EDDA Research Center and the University of Iceland, as a part of the project “Romanian-Icelandic research cooperation on democracy, memory politics and post-crisis reconstruction” (Turda, May 27, 2022): the online lecture “Romanian Elites after 1989. Family Memory, Social Transformation and Status Competition”.
  • Session of Communications of the Commission of Heraldry, Genealogy and Sigillography of the Romanian Academy, Iaşi (May 10, 2022): the online lecture „Moșnenii și răzeșii: aristocrați sau țărani liberi? O controversă istoriografică” [“The moşneni and răzeşi: aristocrats or free peasants? A historiographical controversy”].
  • The International Conference “An Epoch Threshold? The Year 1821 in the History of South-East Europe, at Bicentennial” (Iași, the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, the Romanian Academy, online, September 23-25, 2021): the lecture “Tudor Vladimirescu’s Movement: Social and National Stereotypes. And a Few Words about a Forgotten Writer and an Unknown Genealogy”, September 24, 2021, in the section “1821 in the Romanian Space – Contemporary Perceptions in Historical Sources”.
  • The Colloquy „De ce este greu de «desenat» profilul acestui savant? Henri H. Stahl la 120 de ani” [“Why is it so difficult to understand this scholar? 120 years from Henri H. Stahl’s birth”], organized by the Faculty of Political Sciences, by the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest and by the Cooperativa Gusti (Bucharest, November 12, 2021): the online lecture „Moșnenii și răzeșii: țărani liberi sau aristocrați? Între modele teoretice și ficțiuni istorice” [“The moşneni and răzeşi: free peasants or aristocrats? Between theoretical models and historical fiction”].
  • The Conferences of the Summer courses of Romanian language, culture and civilization, 2021 (Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, July 27, 2021): the online lecture „Aristocrația românească. O scurtă introducere” [“The Romanian aristocracy. A brief introduction”].
  • The “General Nicolae Condeescu” School for Defense Intelligence (Bucharest, September 8, 2020): the lecture „Urmașii boierimii române” [“The descendants of the Romanian boyars”].
  • The Conferences Round Table Bucharest (January 22, 2019, at the Opera and Multimedia Studio of the National University of Music Bucharest): a conversation with Valentina Sandu-Dediu and Laurențiu Damian.
    Photo 1 | Photo 2 | The conference on
  • The Transylvanian Book Festival (Richiş, September 14, 2018): the lecture “1918 and its significance for Romania”.
  • The National Congress of the Romanian Historians, second edition (Iaşi, August 29-September 1, 2018): the lecture „«Prin muncă şi energie spre Ideal». Consideraţii pe marginea unui text inedit scris de primul ofiţer român căzut în Marele Război” [“«Through labor and energy towards the Ideal». About an unpublished text written by the first Romanian officer who died in World War I”].
  • The 18th Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry (Iaşi, May 10-12, 2018): the lecture „Pe marginea unei dileme genealogice. Familiile Poenaru-Bordea şi Bărbulescu: continuităţi sau coincidenţe?” [“About a genealogical dilemma. The Poenaru-Bordea and Bărbulescu families: continuities or coincidences?”].
  • Stories from Bucharest with Alina Pavelescu (Bucharest, FotoCabinet, March 2018): the lecture “Bucharest under German occupation. Unpublished testimonies from World War I”.
    Photo 1 | Photo 2
  • The 17th Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry, Iaşi (May 2016): “Romania during World War I, seen by an Italian. The unknown diary of engineer Iginio Vignali”.
  • The National Congress of the Romanian Historians, Cluj-Napoca (August 2016): „An unknown testimony about World War I: Grigore Romalo’s wartime diary”.
  • Session of Communications of the Commission of Heraldry, Genealogy and Sigillography of the Romanian Academy, Iaşi (October, 2011): “Genealogical Imaginary: Romanian Boyar Families”.
  • Meetings of Conscience, Ploieşti (October, 2014): ”Nobles et notables”.
  • Centre for Studies in Contemporary History (CSIC): taking part in the debate ”Romania in World War II”.

I have also organized conferences. In 2011, at my invitation, the great French historian Jean Delumeau came to Romania to receive the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest and held two lectures, one at the University of Bucharest and the other at New Europe College.